On our last Friday in South Africa, our youth pastor allowed us to share with 45 young people how effective their testimonies are to help others find Jesus.
Many Christians think they need theological or evangelism training before sharing about Jesus. But we all have a story of our lives before we became Christians, how we became Christians, and what our lives look like now (after receiving Christ).
While the young people were practicing their stories in pairs, we prayed for them to have many opportunities to tell their testimonies in the future.
One of the youth leaders reported that his sharing buddy confessed that he had not yet become a Christian but was moving closer to making that decision. We prayed for that young man to take that vital step.
Back In Orlando
We returned to Orlando with our hearts filled with African love and memories. A particular highlight was Marie’s sister from the UK, and her children, were also in South Africa. It was a sweet reunion for the Ferreira family. All the siblings were home for the first time in 6 years. We had precious times of fellowship and lots of “swallowship” – great braais and desserts!
We loved our time in South Africa and reconnecting with friends and family.
Prayer Requests:
- Monica started her Matric year. Pray for stamina and guidance from the Lord as she starts applying to universities.
- Kenneth continues his engineering studies. Pray for diligence.
- Marie has two projects she is working on that are way out of her comfort zone. Pray for the Lord’s wisdom and creativity as she leads these projects.
- Stefan has several people on his team with family members with health challenges. Pray for him to be a good ear and support to them.