Thanksgiving This Year!

Thanksgiving is our favourite American holiday to celebrate. It is always on the forth Thursday in November. 

The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

A pumpkin patch – typical for this time of the year

Here are a few things we give thanks for:

  1. Our marriage – this month we celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary!
  2. Our good health – several of our friends have recently been diagnosed with illnesses, some terminal, so we are very aware of this gift.
  3. Our children are happy and fulfilled in their current phase of life—Kenneth at university and Monica in her matric (final year of high school) year.
  4. The completion of the her.BIBLE audio bible in women’s voices! The 34 readers represent 18 ethnicities from 10 different countries. It was a huge task, but we are so grateful to see people downloading the app or listening to it via the YouVersion Bible app.
  5. Church expansion – churches are planted in places previously without churches. Even though the communities are small, their presence is a testimony of God’s hand over the church through the ages.
  6. The godly missionary leaders we have the privilege to serve. Last week, the former president of Campus Crusade for Christ, Steve Douglass,died due to complications with cancer. He was a mentor to Marie and a prayer partner. We are grateful for the years we could work closely with him and learn from him.
  7. You! Our partners who stand with us, back us up in prayer and enable us to serve the Lord, you continue to be one of our the biggest blessings.
Celebrating our 25th anniversary

Prayer Requests:

  1. Praise the Lord for our 25 years of marriage.
  2. Pray for our Campus Crusade for Christ family and Steve’s family as we mourn his passing.
  3. Pray for Stefan and our global church planting leaders who will be meeting 14-18 November in Colorado

Yours in Christ,

The Dells