The App Is Ready!

Good news! The women’s audio Bible Marie’s team is working on – now has an app. You can have the new her.BIBLE app for your phone in just three easy steps!

Step 1
Go to the app store on your mobile phone: Apple Store or Google Play.
Step 2
Type in her.BIBLE women’s audio Bible in the search feature.
Step 3
Add the her.BIBLE app to your phone and enjoy listening to the Word of God in women’s voices.

Here’s what some others are saying about her.BIBLE
“My kids beg me not to turn it off at night. I think it’s such a gift and there’s something that’s different than the other ways we have read the Bible to them.” Evangeline

“I decided to listen before sharing with my wife, which left me listening to the whole Book of Matthew in the middle of the night. I listen to hundreds of hours of audio Bible every year (male readers), and I noticed right away that the female narrator brought a different facet of God’s heart, which I had never before experienced. Hearing a daughter read her Father’s love letter really gives a new perspective.” Colin

“I just want to say thank you, a thousand times to the people who put together her.BIBLE. It is such a powerful way to soak up scripture.” Sarah, a human trafficking survivor

Prayer Requests:

  1. Praise the Lord for the app and pray that the her.Bible team can complete the recording of the remaining Old Testament books.
  2. Pray for Stefan’s team as they plan the third global Zoom meeting for church planters for 1 September 2020. Both the previous meetings were well attended and inspiring.
  3. Pray for Kenneth, who started Grade 12 and Monica Grade 10.

Thank you for your partnership with us.