The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Irma

Hurricane Irma came past around 2 am this morning and it was frighting! But God kept His hand over us and our property.

Here are the good, the bad and the ugly from Irma’s “visit”:

The Good:

  1. We hardly ever see our neighbours, but with the preparation and clean-up, the whole community worked together.
  2. The closure of schools and non-essential services, gave us 5 days together as a family.
  3. After the preparation work, we had time to do a few fun things, like playing board games, watching a movie and even cooking together as a family.
  4. During the curfew, we also had time for the things we never get time for (and never want to make time for) like polishing  great-Grandma’s silver.

The Bad:

  1. Watching the panic and hysteria as people prepared for the hurricane.
  2. Driving from shop to shop for basics like water, bread and tinned food. Empty shelves was not strange the past week.
  3. The waiting and uncertainty of the hurricane’s path. She made various changes to her route during the week.

The Ugly:

  1. Marie’s flight to Denver was cancelled at the last minute and she could not get another flight before the airport closed. It is sad to miss this training.
  2. Waking up to wet carpets in the rooms that took the impact of Irma.
  3. Seeing the damage to roofs, fences and trees of our neighbours.

In the midst of all this, we were very aware of the Lord’s presence and the encouragement from His people. Thank you so much for your prayers!

Schools and our office are still close tomorrow (Tuesday, 12 September) and we hope to get our home and garden back in order.

We are grateful we never lost electricity despite it being true for many of our friends. We are looking forward to a restful night.


2 thoughts on “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Irma”

  1. God quelled the storms, this I believed as I prayed for you and the people of Florida. I must confess I had no panick feelings, almost felt the assurance the storms will go around you, can’t explain why. Thank you for the instant message, very assuring that God is in the midst of IRMA

  2. Part of the good:
    God answered the many prayers for you all, of friends, colleagues and family from all over the world.

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