To Puerto Rico and the Philippines

Stefan had a wonderful visit with our Eastern European staff members last month. He loved hearing stories of what God is doing and how churches are planted in places like Moldova and Georgia. He was thrilled to pray, plan and partner with them to trust God for even greater multiplication and church growth.
Stefan’s team travels to Manila on Wednesday (21 February) for a meeting with church planting missionaries from all around the world. This meeting serves as a time of training, refocusing strategy, sharing best practices and encouragement. Your prayers for safety, unity and great learning would be appreciated.
Puerto Rico:
Marie’s team travels to Puerto Rico on 20 February to assist with Hurricane Maria relief efforts, coordinated by GAiN (the humanitarian arm of our ministry). It is five months since the hurricane hit that country, but a lot of work remain. Pray that their service will be an encouragement to the churches they partner with and that it will open doors for the church to minister to the lost in their community.
Pray for Kenneth and Monica’s protection and for a great time with our friends that are taking care of them until Marie’s return Thursday night.
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement!
P.S. Together with our Global Alliance partners, 1.3 million churches has been planted since 2011. Praise the Lord!