We Got It!

As we queued to enter the US Embassy our nerves made their presence felt, but the moment we stood before the interview window answering questions we knew that God had prepared the way for us. Thank you for praying for our interview!

We are grateful to report that our “Intercompany Executive Transfer visa” was approved and we will soon get our passports back with the visa inside. This allows us to move to the USA.

The next hurdle is to find cheap tickets with a big luggage allowances. 🙂 Please pray with us in this regard.

Your Missionaries!

10 thoughts on “We Got It!”

  1. Stefan – so glad the process is continuing for you. We are disappointed that we will not be here when you arrive, but let us know if there is any way we can help! Our house is available if you need a place to stay while you get settled.

    1. Hi Gina

      We look forward to seeing you when you get back from CSU.


  2. You are in our prayers! We celebrate with you the faithfulness of our great God!

  3. “Prys God op die spot!” The process is long but so worth it; and you’re going where you can understand everything… 🙂

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