Wow! What a week!

  • Moved out of our house without difficulty
  • Settled in a friend’s townhouse – cosy & comfortable
  • Said goodbye to our darling cats – they found wonderful loving homes
  • Bought tickets departing 14 July at a good price, route & luggage allowance
  • Finished school – Kenneth & Monica both completed their grades


We realise that this is God straightening the path for us because of your prayers. Thank you for carrying us in this way and the encouragement you have been.

Please join us at one of our Farewell Events on 7 July 2013:

Please pray for the following as we wish to finish well here in South Africa:

  • All the many little details that we need to deal with.
  • For us to find the right house to become our home in Orlando and the finances related to it.

3 thoughts on “Wow! What a week!”

  1. In America, today is National Donut Day. I think you need to go out and celebrate after your week!

    Super cute picture of the kids!

  2. Praise the Lord for His goodness! How days do fly as you approach departure date. I’ll keep praying with you that details continue to fall into place, and for the particular detail of a home in Orlando.


    1. Thanks Dora, You know what these times are like, your Prayers are much appreciated. Stefan

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