2014 – February

1 Commissioning

With Vonette Bright, Co-Founder of CCC

14 02 Monica Certificates

Monica Gets 5 Certificates for good progress2 Valentinesday

Valentines day gifts from school friends

3 Mr Potato Head

Mr Potato Head at Walt Disney World

4 Snake

Our local Lake protector (Poisonous Water Moccasin)

5 Armadillo

An Armadillo on its way to School

6 Turkey

Wild Turkeys around our Office

7 Listerine3.7 Liters of Mouthwash – Bigger is Better?

4 thoughts on “2014 – February”

  1. Hello! wat ‘n voorreg om Vonnette Bright to kon ontmoet. was ook bevoorreg om Dr Bill Bright in PE in SA met een personeelkonferensie te ontmoet.

    rerige “dedicated” mense

  2. Hello to all of you, good to see the photo’s and to hear from you. Thinking of you Stefan going to Manila and all the other staff. Congratulations to Monica for all her certificates obtained for good work. Can see how the children have grown in a year. We are all fine, hoping for more rain and still adapting to our new way of life. Michael and Adrian have persuaded me to accompany them in the 5km walk at the school to-morrow, hope I will make it. We had a wonderful holiday with Lynell and family who left 30 Dec. again. Daryn is excelling in athletics, came 2nd in a cross country last Sat. and hope he does well this Sat. They are having lots of rain so running very muddy. He has also been chosen to play the part of Aladdin in a forthcoming production. He turns 9 on 28 March and so does Monica on 29th. Happy Birthday in advance. Ryan turned 5 last October and started Gr. R. Has earned a Gold Certificate for his good work, they now have a week’s holiday. Pity we live so far not to be able to take part in their activities. Well, you all look good and happy, wishing you a wonderful year. You are continually in my thoughts and admire you for the work you are doing for the Lord. Lots of love Illona and Edwin.

  3. Ek groet vanuit ‘n heerlike nat VaalDriehoek…Daar is geen einde aan die Here se goedheid nie, Sy liefde en ontferminmg is elke more nuut…(Klaag3:23-26) Sy trou duur v geslag to geslag, omdat Hy ‘n Onveranderlike God is, wat nooit laat vaar d werke v Sy hande nie…en dit word net weeropnuut bevestig deur al julle getuienisse oor Vader se voorsienning, ook wat d afgelope jaar betref. Saammet julle dankbaar vir d werk wat Hy in en deur julle doen. Ek bid dat HY julle ook verder sal toerus en versterk vir d jaar wat voorle(2Tess2;16,17)
    Bid asb vir d bedienning met d evangelie, sowel as bybelstudies,v ‘ngroep Malawier’s wat d Geref kerk in Sasolburg, onder sy vlerk geneem het . Die Here het beskik dat ek en twee ander vroue, daarby betrokke is,waarna daar ‘n kerkdiens, oa deur d plaaslike predikant,sowel as deur hulle eie mense plaasvind. Daar word v tolke gebruik gemaak, wat ons net totaal vd Here afhanklik maak, sodat d woord reg deurgegee sal word. Een vd plaaslike sendelinge,Herbert Venter, het vir hulle oa Cheshewa enTimbuka bybels v Malawie laat kry, sodat hulle ook in d week vertroud kan raak met d woord. Die getalle groei aan en ons is dankbaar teenoor d Here wat d begeerte in hulle harte werk, sowel as d etosiasme om meer v Hom te leer…
    Bid asb ook vir plaaslike predikers om d woord vd waarheid kompromie loos en met vrymoedigheid te verkondig en te volhard, desnieteenstaande d listige aanslae v satan op verskeie gebiede.
    Mag God julle gedagtes rig op d liefde v Gos en d volharding v Christus(2Tess3:5)

    ‘n Vrede-en vreugdevolle Christus-Fees, word julle toegebid

    Liefde in Christus
    Madelein de Klerk

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