2014 – October

1 OLC5-Group

Global Operations leaders outside the Parthenon

Technology Leaders
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACommunications Leaders
4 Corinth MarieWalking in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul in Corinth
5 Pathenon StefanLooking out on Athens
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAPractising new recruitment skills in role play
7 OLC BannerThe conference theme – Called to serve, called to lead
8 Greek SunsetSunset over the Aegean Sea
9 Greek YogurtA Greek treat – Greek Yoghurt with honey and nuts (Popular for breakfast, dessert or an anytime snack!)

4 thoughts on “2014 – October”

  1. Thank you for the encouraging news & grt pics – you are certainly seeing the world & being strengthened by many Christians. Will remember you both, the children & your work in my prayers.

    Stefan, sadly Mike Mitchley (59) died recently – quite sudden & shocking – I played at his funeral. It is thought that an aneurysm caused his demise.

    Skye, my granddaughter has been elected as a proctor for 2015 & attained academic honours with an average of 83%. She goes to a Xian Youth group & attends a CRC cell grp.

    Desperately wish I cd give up lecturing – but one more yr to go!

    Lots of love, blessings & travelling mercies
    Carol Keep.

  2. Stefan and Marie, thank you for the updates. I just prayed through your prayer points. May you both experience greater fruitfulness in your work.

  3. Dear Stefan and Marie

    Always pleased to hear your news and my admiration for you both continues. Your are certainly seeing parts of the world! Thanks for the pictures, the children have grown and lovely. Pleased they progress well at school. We wish you a blessed Christmas and a prosperous new year. It must have been lovely to have Marie’s mom there to visit. How we long for our far off children, relived this December as they were here last year. With the postal strike we have experienced for 5 months, we could not send any parcels etc. Lynell’s birthday present to Edwin still hasn’t arrived since posting in September. We are both fine and blessed. I celebrated my 75th birthday yesterday, 18th and enjoyed a wonderful day. The years are adding on! I continue to pray for you all in the work you do. Love Illona & Edwin

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